The Second Sentinel

The Herridon Chronicles Book 8

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Broken and shattered with the death of her younger brother after the Siege of Herridon, Mehlis d'Corydon is put into the charge of the minstrel Tabari. Her older brother has turned her out of their family's Hold, telling her to find herself and her place in the world. Not knowing Tabari is far more than a simple minstrel, she accompanies him and discovers more about herself and the world than she ever expected. She learns how sheltered her life was, and how harsh her upbringing, always trying to meet impossible expectations. 

Praise for this book

A young woman travels to a foreign land to find herself. Mehlis was trained to fight from a very young age, in her travels she learns that there is more to life than training and fighting. She learns that she is more than a warrior, she learns to love.

When her younger brother dies Mehlis' world falls apart, she is lost and without direction. And what may seem like a cruel gesture, her older brother banishes her from her home, is actually an act of compassion. Knowing that she would never learn to live if she stayed home - too many reminders of her younger brother, her older brother sends her off with a minstrel. Unbeknownst to Mehlis, her traveling companion is no ordinary minstrel, he has traveled the world for many lifetimes. The minstrel guides Mehlis in her journey of self discovery.

This book made me laugh, and it brought tears to my eyes. I very much enjoyed it!