Book #3 from the series:
The Herridon Chronicles
Nahtan's Way
The Herridon Chronicles Book 3
His past and present now drawn together to reveal who he is, Nahtan takes control of his armies and begins breaking the Archbishop's hold on the kingdom. Keeping his promise to Sewati, he travels first to the Mowik's lands to break the Archbishop's hold on those villages. While there, he meets Yenene, a healer and priestess to the Goddess Jensina. From Yenene, Nahtan learns of Kutci, a spirit there who knew Nahtan in their previous world and knows who and what he truly is.
His own memories of that previous life spare and dim, Nahtan only knows there was a darkness there and an incredible loss.
Praise for this book
Has everything you need for a gripping series with mystery friendship and intrigue and the desire for more good story